Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mars Attacks (1996)

Ok, my review for this movie will be short: This was the dumbest, more boring movie I have ever seen.

I only saw the last half-hour. I dont need to see any more. This movie was trying to be cheeky, playing on the style of classic Sci-Fi 'B' movies. It failed. The jokes did work, the style didn't work. Every weird idea just fought against every other one, and the whole thing just made you feel sorry for all the big names that got roped into it.

If you want an intentionally bad movie that is actually funny, check out "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes." However, ignore "Return of the Killer Tomatoes." That one is dumb too.


elesa said...

One of my best friends said this was his favorite movie, so I always kinda wanted to see it. I guess he was really just dumb. too bad.

Boydell Bown said...

Daniel, who loves stupid SciFi movies (the dumber, the better) walked out of this one.