Friday, November 23, 2007

Stupid Rated R

So, I dont get it!

Why does the movie industry keeps falling back to the idea that they can make more money or get more respect from making rated R movies? There are a ton of movies coming out this season, but almost all of the high-drama ones are rated R.

What it really means to me is that people believe it is not considered a serious film unless it is seasoned liberally with the f-word. As one who doesn't care for the f-word, who finds it crass, low-brow and offensive, this is a bit of a mystery to me. It is like taking a great symphony and saying "Now, for anyone to take this work of art seriously, we need to put in farting noises".

Movies to me are all about details: Great characters, clever dialog, stunning visuals, powerful music, moving storyline. When you try to make something more "real" or "full of impact" by adding some mud to the recipe, you ruin the flavor. Suddenly the stunning visuals are just bloody visuals. Suddenly, the only thing the storyline makes you feel is a revulsion for the human race.

A few weeks ago I bought a burger from some fast food place. It was my favorite place to get burgers at the time. They just had super-yummy burgers. However, while I was chomping on the burger this time I found a staple in there. A staple in my burger! Up to that point the burger was tasting pretty good, but then the entire experience was ruined. I have not been back.

Movies are rated "R" for a reason...

I just wish the movie industry would stop putting staples in my movies.


ae said...

You made Richard laugh! You are so right on!
It is related to the mentality that says melody in music is crass and pandering, don't have any recognizable melodical lines! Just another way of farting at us.

Faralee said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! You are my awesomest Brother.

Boydell Bown said...

Hang on... I think I am your only one.